
Typically, coaches will instruct students to join their team on their first day of using the path system. Each group on the team is associated with a join code which teachers can give to their students. Instruct students to enter this join code when they join the team. This code automatically gives them permission to start a new account on the site, adds them to the team, and adds them to the associated group.

There is a handout for students which contains instructions on how to join a team. You can write out the code for the group you would like students to join, and then make photocopies.

During the registration process, students will be asked for their name, email address, and a password.

After students join, they will be displayed on your team’s Member Management page.

A list of students isn’t needed, since they join the team themselves. And, once your technology department completes the IT testing process, no additional steps are needed from them.