Join the Team

On your first day using the site, your instructor may provide you with instructions on how to join the site and a join code. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the join code your instructor shared with you into the “Join Code” field on the registration page
  3. That’s it. You did it. Now just follow your personal path on EduGuide.

Begin Working on your Path

The first activity will give you more details about the types of topics you’ll be learning in the path.

Each activity is like a lesson or chapter which is focused around a single topic. Some topics are only covered within one activity, but other topics will be touched on in multiple activities. While some activities can be done in as little as 15 minutes, each activity is designed to give you things to reflect on and challenges you can choose to tackle during the week. So you’ll get more out of them if you spread them out over time, about once a week..

The pages within the activities are called steps. Steps use text, images, and videos to communicate information and new concepts. Steps which ask a question can be interacted with.

You can review the activities and steps you’ve completed any time in your path journal. You can jump to any position in the path by clicking on the title of a specific activity or step.

When you are done, you can close out of your path by clicking “Sign Out.” You can also navigate to your personal dashboard by clicking on “Personal Dashboard” in the main navigation menu.

Your path will automatically launch the next time that you log back into your account. Or, if you are on your personal dashboard you can launch your path again by clicking on the menu next to the EduGuide logo and then “Path.”