Occasionally, it might be necessary to change the group(s) that a student belongs to. This is an easy process that can be completed from either Member Management, Edit Group, or the Edit Membership page.

Member Management

From your team’s Member Management page, click on the button labeled “Add to Group” located to the left of the student who you would like to move. A list of groups will appear, and the groups that the student currently belongs to will appear with a checkmark next to its name. Change the student’s group membership by unchecking the group that you want to remove them from, and clicking to add a checkmark next to the group that you would like to add them to.

Edit Membership

You can also adjust a student’s group membership from their Edit Membership page. To access this page, click on the option menu located to the far right side of the student’s name, and then click on “Edit Membership.”

You will be taken to a page which shows the membership information for that student. Click on the button labeled “Belongs to Groups” under the header “Groups.”  A list of available groups will appear. Click the names of groups to add or remove checkmarks next to their names. When you are done, the student will belong to the groups that are checkmarked.

Edit Group Page

You can also use the Edit Group page to add or remove students. While on the Groups Management page, navigate to the Edit Group page by clicking on that group’s name in your list. Or, if the group is pending, click on “Invite Members,” and then on the page which shows the join code for the group click on “View List.”

On the Edit Group page, click on “Add.” This will change the view of the page so that you are able to add or remove students from the list.