What is metrics?

Metrics is the feature on the site that coaches can use to track their students’ progress in the path. They can view a summary of student progress on the main metrics page, filter the information based on recency or group membership, and zoom in on a specific student in order to view the comments they posted inside their personal path. While zoomed in, coaches can also respond back to that specific student.

How do I navigate to the Metrics tool?

You can launch the metrics tools by clicking on “Metrics” in the main navigation menu towards the top of the page next to the EduGuide logo. A “Metrics” link is also listed in the side menu when you are viewing the member, coaches, group, or metrics page.

How do I filter the Metrics Page?

You can use the filter controls towards the top of the Metrics page to adjust the data that is listed there. Right about the list showing students’ progress there are four filtering controls: Sorting, Recency, Groups, and Keyword search.


Under the Recency filtering control, you can choose to sort the list of student progress by Newest, Oldest, Most Progress, Least Progress, Alphabetically, or Reverse Alphabetically. This helps make it easier to understand the data.


You can also use the recency tool to filter the data on the page so that you are shown only the progress made within a specific time frame.

Group Filter

You can also filter the data shown on the page by group membership or team role. Clicking on the group filter menu will show you a list of the members who belong to the groups that you follow, plus the options of “All Members,” and “Coaches.”


You can also filter the list of results by keyword or phrase. Enter a last name into the search bar and then hit enter. The page will update as it refreshes the list.

How do I view individuals’ comments in their personal path?

The metrics page gives a broad overview of members’ progress in the path, or depending on the filtering the progress for a select group of members, but there is a way to “zoom” in on a specific individual and see how they have responded to the discussion steps in the path.

To view a member’s activity in the path, view the metrics and then click their name. You will be taken to a new page which shows you the content from the activities they’ve completed and the comments that they’ve posted.

You can also respond to the member’s comment from this page by entering in your response and submitting. The next time they launch their path they will see your response, and as you monitor their progress in the path you will be able to see their new comments in this screen.

Reviewing multiple students

You can quickly review students’ progress in the path by clicking on the left/right arrows at the upper right hand corner of the screen. Flip from student to student, and then cheer or respond to their comments in their paths. When you’re done reviewing students’ comments, click on the “x” to the far left side of the screen. You will be returned to the metrics page.

When you first view a students’ path from inside the metrics page, there will be the word “new” next to each comment that has been submitted since the last time that you checked their path.

Reviewing responses to a given discussion step

You can also review all of the comments which students have posted in response to a specific discussion step. First, after you’ve zoomed into a student’s path, click on the link “View All Replies.” This take you to a new page where you will be shown the discussion step content and then a list of the responses which have been posted by students.