1. Introduce EduGuide: Before students get started on the online activities in the Core Learning Path, use materials in the Team Library to share what EduGuide is and how the platform works. Have a conversation with learners about the purpose of implementing the program for a foundational understanding about the goals and objectives of EduGuide at the beginning.

  2. Tips & Tools: The Coaches’ Core Learning Path includes suggestions for Team Coaches to continually develop mentoring skills. Complete activities for a greater awareness of how work on EduGuide connects to teaching, learning in the classroom, and to personal goal setting for the future. Uncover ways to actively model the core learning skills for students in the classroom and discover how to streamline the coaching process and target areas for growth.

  3. Communicate & Collaborate: Use tools on the platform to connect with other Team Coaches. Take the time to review progress made, identify areas for improvement and build a community of purpose focused on modelling these skills. An EduGuide Results Coach will be assigned to your team to encourage this practice through the platform and coaching sessions.

  4. EduGuide Support: Use the online ‘Help & Feedback’ or ‘Chat With Us’ tools to reach out for assistance. Contact your EduGuide Results Coach or give the office a call to resolve any issue(s).

  5. Cultivate Relationships: Learning is built on trust and understanding. Regularly communicate with students about the objectives of EduGuide. Give updates, discuss concepts, or reference skills learners who are practicing. Consistently use the online mentoring tool to review what students are sharing, to offer support and to communicate with students to support learning.

  6. Blended Learning: Use resources and materials in the Team Library to focus together on an activity. Investigate concepts on EduGuide together in small groups or whole class discussions to nurture a positive classroom culture focused on understanding one another’s perspectives.

  7. Feedback: At the end of each activity in the Core Learning Path, Team Coaches have a chance to offer a reaction or suggestion to the activity. This provides a chance to reflect upon what was learned, how it is applied and gives everyone a chance to share ways improvements can be made to the Core Learning Path or the EduGuide platform for stronger implementation.

  8. Notifications: Communication on the EduGuide platform is facilitated with email notifications. There are daily and weekly email updates outlining progress of teacher and student activity. If Team Coaches would like to opt out of these updates, revisions can be made under ‘My Settings’ in the Main Menu. Daily email updates are sent to coaches assigned to follow a group. Weekly updates show who is engaging in the activities online. Weekly email updates give coaches a rundown of what all groups on the team have done for the week. When a Team Coach mentors a student, the learner receives an email notifying them of their coaches’ comment. They can respond by email; the next time they login, students will have an opportunity to respond to mentoring interactions at the start of the next activity.