Sections of the site
The EduGuide website consists of three main sections:
Your personal profile area: Consists of your personal dashboard, personal goals, and your account settings.
Teams: If you are a coach or full member you will also be able to access your team’s pages which include a team dashboard, group management, and member management.
Paths: If you have a path subscription, then you will be able to access the path system which consists of the personal path, path journal, path preview, and the metrics page.
Students, also known as restricted members, can only access their personal account and portions of the path system. They can view their personal dashboard, settings, Path, path journal, and glossary.
Site wide navigation
The site wide navigation menu displayed at the top next to the logo on pages like the personal and team dashboard, and the sidebar menu which is displayed inside pages such as the metrics and the group management pages offer the quickest means for navigating from one page.
Wherever you are on the site, you can access the site wide menu by clicking on the set of three vertical lines shown next to the EduGuide logo or next to your avatar, depending on which part of the site you are viewing at the time.
Universal Menu Items
Within the menu, you will see a link to your personal profile (“My Pages”), your personal settings page (“My Settings”) and links which allow you to contact EduGuide’s helpdesk (“Help & Feedback” and “Chat with Us”). You can also use the “Sign Out” link to logout of your account.
Team Navigational Items
Team members and coaches will see the names of the teams that they belong to listed in the sitewide menu. Click the team name to expand a sub menu inside the navigation which will contain links to key pages within your team. Team members will see a link to their team’s dashboard. Coaches will also see links for pages which allow them to manage portion of the teams, such as groups, members, and the coaches page.
Navigation for Core Learning teams
The navigation menu will appear the same for members and coaches of Core Learning teams as they do for members of other types of teams. EduGuide members who have been subscribed to a path will see a link for their personal path (“Path”) towards the top of the menu. Core Learning team coaches will also see a link to their team’s metrics page, where they are able to review students’ responses to their path activities.
Team Setup
Admin Coaches will also see the “Setup” link inside the submenu for their team. When you click the Setup link, you will be taken to the setup page for your team. From this page, you can invite additional coaches or manage existing ones, request an IT Test, adjust your auto groups settings, and schedule training.
Path Navigation Menu
The navigational sidebar menu for paths will display links differently depending on your role on the site. All members will be able to see a link for Path Journal and the EduGuide helpdesk. Admin coaches will be able to see an additional link for the Metrics page.