When you need to invite a new coach to your team, you can do so from your team’s setup page. From anywhere on the site, open the main menu, then your team’s name, and then “Setup.” You will be taken to the setup page, which shows a list steps that coaches need to to complete before they invite their students.. Expand “Invite Coaches” by clicking on its title.

Inviting Coaches

Enter your colleague’s email address into the field in the “User” column, and then use the dropdown menu under “Coach Role” to select the role that you would like them to fill on the team. Your choices will be Admin Coach, Captain, Lead Coach and Support Coach. You can read a description of these team coach roles here.

When you are ready, click “Save” to submit the email addresses and role assignments that you’ve entered in. A modal will appear where you will be able to send a personal message and enter a student start date.

After you have entered in the necessary information, click “Send Invite” to submit the invitation.

Joining the team

When your colleagues open up the invitation message, they will be prompted to accept by clicking on a button. They will be taken to the site where they will be prompted to sign in or create a new account. Once they do, they will automatically be added to your team. Admin coaches are taken to the team setup page, while all other coaches are shown their path.

If Auto Groups is enabled, a group will be created for anyone who you invited as a lead coach. When lead coaches accept a team invitation, they are also automatically added to their group as a follower. The group name is also changed so that it contains their first and last name.


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