Getting students started is simple. Just create a group and invite them to join.
- Create a Group - Go to the Groups page underneath your team’s title on the main navigation, click on “Create a Group,” and then enter in a group name. Your new group will appear under the header “Pending Groups.”
- Invite Students to Join - Click “Invite Members” next to the name of the group you would like students to be added to as they join the team. You will be given 3 ways to invite people.
- Copy the Join Code - Simply copy the join code and share it with those you want to join your group. Or you have two other options. If your primarily communicating via email or web, just share the link provided. Or if your students have already joined EduGuide, then you can just choose them from a list if you prefer.
- Ask Students to Join - Instruct students to join the site at and using your join code . Alternatively, if they use the join URL, they will automatically be taken to a registration form. They will automatically be added to your group.
- Watch Their Progress - Your students’ paths will launch immediately after they join your team. The first activity they work on introduce them to the path feature. On the first activity it’s important to respond to each student as soon as possible, to build a bond and make sure they get a good start. After that responses can be more occasional.