Want to look ahead at more activities? Path Preview lets you quickly scan and jump into activities you haven’t done yet. It’s only available to coaches.

Accessing Path Preview

When you are in your path, you’ll find “Path Preview” in the menu to see all of the activities available in your subscription. View a specific activity by clicking on a module.

You will be shown a list of the activities which are contained within the module. Click on an activity title to preview it.

Navigating within Path Preview mode

There are some critical differences between preview mode and the standard view. While you are previewing the activities in the path:

  • You are able to post comments, but your responses aren’t saved.
  • Your progress in the path is also not recorded.

Path preview should only be used to review the content presented in the activities in preparation for guiding students. When you want to complete activities for yourself, you should do so in the standard view.

Exiting Path Preview

Just use the menu and select “Continue Path.” You’ll be taken back to the step you were previously working on in your path.