Admin coaches are invited to join EduGuide to get reports on program progress and receive access to data metrics and administrative controls. They can also help coach targeted students. The level of coaching you will provide should be discussed with your organization’s EduGuide Team Captain. Below are general duties of an admin coach.
Annual Responsibilities
1. Continually grow your impact as a coach.
- Upon receiving your email invitation, join EduGuide and start the online orientation PD activity. This activity is longer than others and may take up to an hour. It covers the basic elements of working with the program.
- Continue to do weekly PD version of student activities to learn how to coach students in building key mindsets and skills. These activities average about 15 minutes each, though some people like to spend more time with them.
2. Identify groups or people to follow.
- After the lead coaches have created their groups and started their students, select people you want to follow. You can choose an existing group of students. Or you can create a custom group and add selected students to it. You can even select other coaches you want to follow. Or your Team Captain may ask you to support specific people.
- Set a goal for a specific time each week to login to EduGuide for 15 minutes and coach at least one person. You can even do it from your phone.
3. Support continual growth.
- Work with your Team Captain to identify ways EduGuide can build campus culture, when all students are being mentored and mentoring others to reach their potential.
- When available, participate in virtual coaching sessions or PD programs with your EduGuide Results Coach to learn best practices.
- Invite updates and training moments on coaching at staff meetings.
- Plan ways to grow program impact in future years.