The most critical responsibility of a Lead Coach is to get students started and keep them moving forward on their activities. In most cases, they also provide the primary coaching for students to build bonds and help them grow deeper in reflecting on their activities. Support and admin coaches may also help with coaching students.
Annual Responsibilities
1. Continually grow your impact as a coach.
- Upon receiving email invitation, join EduGuide and start the online orientation PD activity. This activity is longer than others and may take up to an hour.
- Continue to do weekly PD version of student activities to learn how to coach students in building key mindsets and skills.
2. Start students:
- Clearly communicate why students are doing EduGuide. For example, you might say: “We see potential in you as a leader in our community and your future profession. We want to invest in training you how to mentor others in the skills that research shows help people to reach their goals.”
- Distribute your personal group join code to students who are accessing the site for the first time. Instruct them to enter the code as they register at (Students who already have EduGuide accounts, can add your group code when they sign back in.)
- Reply to one comment from each student as soon as possible after they get started. Use an open-ended coaching question that encourages them to reflect and respond. Students will be notified of your comment via email and the next time they sign-in to EduGuide. This first round of coaching takes more time than normal, but is also more impactful because it establishes the relationship, allows you to deal with any confusion and ensures each student gets a strong start.
3. Keep students engaged:
- Follow up personally with any students who are not started or making progress on their activities as shown on your EduGuide metrics page. Identify obstacles and brainstorm solutions.
- Once a week, spend at least 15 minutes replying to as many students as you can. You can even do this from your phone wherever it’s convenient. You don’t need to reply to everything a student writes. Replying to at least one thing from each of your students every few weeks lets them know you care about their progress.